You have an amazing mission.... let's take it to the next level!   

Nonprofit Practice Areas: 

Nonprofit Management
  • General Management Consultation
  • Board Development 
  • Start-ups
  • Partnership Development
  • Project Management
Marketing & Development
  • Digital Marketing & Branding
  • Inbound Marketing & Automation
  • Donorbase Analysis
  • CRM Systems & Online Donations
  • Social Media Integration
  • Collateral Materials
Project / Proposal Design
  • Needs Assessments
  • Project Design
  • Proposal Development
  • Foundation Research
Volunteer / Group Mobilization
  • Ambassador Marketing
  • Volunteer Mobilization
  • Strategy and Planning
  • Large-scale Church Mobilization
  • Volunteer Management Training
Strategy & Problem Solving
  • S.W.O.T. Analysis
  • Customized Solutions
  • Board Assistance
  • Team / Departmental Assistance
Interim Leadership
  • Interim CEO
  • Interim Development Director
  • Interim Marketing Services
  • Interim Project Management
  • Virtual Office / Administration

SmartResults is a

bridge to where your mission wants to be

What our clients are saying...

Glenn Blumhorst


National Peace Corp Assoc.

Steve is a highly-respected international development specialist who understands community-based development. He is talented in areas of program design, public-private partnerships, grant writing and management. He speaks fluent Spanish and is culturally sensitive. He's of the utmost integrity and has a great work ethic.

Treena Bishop

Former Chief of Party


Steve is a top-notch consultant with a deep understanding of at-risk youth and project design. He is creative, funny

and a true pleasure to work with. I was impressed by his ability to quickly grasp complex concepts and turn them into graphics and text. He has extensive experience in the Dominican Republic and working with local NGOs. He has a strong work ethic and would be a great addition to any team.

Kleber Lora

Regional Director Latin Am.

Compassion International

Mr. Bostian demonstrated excellent analytical skills, strategic thinking, and a productive relationship with our national staff. He also submitted high quality deliverables for the project with professional presentations.

Michelle McFeaters

Board Treasurer

Deep Springs International

Steve Bostian provided administrative and consulting services to the non-profit organization where I serve as Treasurer of the Board. He was extremely professional and knowledgeable. He was invested and passionate about our organization. His prior experience helped us effectively focus our efforts. His work was of the highest quality.

Sample Projects

COMPASSION INTERNATIONAL: Evaluated and provided management consulting for the health program of this child development organization with 147 local centers in The Dominican Republic serving 60,000 children.

Sample Projects

WORLD RELIEF: Developed and packaged comprehensive membership-based product offerings for American churches to help them engage more effectively with refugee families locally and learn more about immigration.

Sample Projects

COUNTERPART INTERNATIONAL: Needs assessment, program design and proposal development for $10,000,000 USDOL project for eradication of child labor in The Dominican Republic.

Sample Projects

AC​DI / VOCA: Consulted as Technical Advisor, designing project and writing a $20,000,000 USAID proposal

for a nationwide program for at-risk youth in The Dominican Republic.



Pillar 1 - Mission: 

Most organizations have an amazing mission...but is it articulated clearly? Is it focused to differentiate you from the competition?

Pillar 2 - Message: 

Is your mission woven into the fabric of all that you do and say? Do your various stakeholders (donors, volunteers, participants, beneficiaries) know the mission and understand THEIR role in

making it a reality?

Pillar 3 - Marketing: 

Many nonprofits equate "marketing" and "promotions"....we will help you understand the difference. We factor in the "other 3 P's" (Product, Price and Place) as well as helping you strategize all your promotional options.

Pillar 4 - Mobilization: 

Are you tackling your mission with just Board and Staff? Curious how other organizations are able to mobilize armies of volunteers and participants? We'll help you untap your mission's potential to engage others.

Just a phone call away!

Book a FREE Discovery Call to learn how The SmartResults Team can help your organization overcome obstacles - big or small!

In 2023, we launched NoiseMaker

The world's first

automated ambassador marketing

platform form nonprofits!

Our Story

Combining Passion & Experience

Steve Bostian

Steve Bostian

Founder & Principal Consultant

"It started at 3am a few days after Christmas 1984. As a college student home for the holidays, I was overtired but for some strange reason stayed up to this "ungodly hour" watching senseless shows on TV. Suddenly this became a divine moment as my eyes were opened (seemingly for the first time!) to the plight of the poor via a late-night documentary about the horrible Ethiopian famine.

What started as an emotional response (tears and a phone call to pledge what a "starving college kid" could give) ... turned into small actions (a World Vision local volunteer who collected the spare change plunked half-heartedly into the countertop displays at restaurants) ... which then turned into a two year commitment to volunteer with The Hunger Corps (FHI) ... and ultimately my life calling to try to make a difference."

This calling resulted in Steve living overseas for six years, traveling to dozens of developing countries and 30+ years of experience leading non-profit organizations. His focus has been relief and development and programs for at-risk children. He is bilingual with years of experience with large, medium and small organizations - both domestic and international.

He holds a Marketing degree from The University of North Carolina and did graduate work in international development at Hope

International University.  

His unique blend of "field experience" (programs) with "home office" (executive and marketing) helps clients to bridge the common disconnect between these disparate teams.

SmartResults was formed in 2010 while Steve was still serving in The Dominican Republic and Haiti. Although based in the U.S. since 2012, the boutique nonprofit consultancy continues to focus on international faith-based NGO's. The SmartResults Team is small and nimble - various experts are brought into a project, as needed, based on the scope and scale of the client's need.

At the end of the day it's all about people connecting with people, synergizing passions, testing new ideas, and learning from one another in order to build a brighter tomorrow. We are proud to be a small part of energizing faith-communities to serve the world better.

Highlighted Experience

Steve Bostian - Rwanda

With orphaned boys in Kigali, Rwanda 1999

Interim Executive Leadership

  • Hope Unlimited for Children Interim U.S. Director

  • CURE International Interim Country Director, D.R, / Haiti


Prior Leadership Experience

  • Operation Christmas Child National Volunteer Director

  • World Relief Regional Donor & Church Relations Director

  • Cross International Director, Box of Joy Ministry

  • Boys and Girls Clubs Executive Director 


SmartResults Consulting

23245 Jenifer Court

Leonardtown MD 20650

[email protected]


© 2022 SmartResults Consulting LLC